Thursday, September 19, 2013

IQ test

IQ Test

Here's a new story to share to anyone who is willing to listen..
What did you think? This is my first time in my life to made an IQ test. Actually, aq just sje2 je nk test but how impressed (bangga skjp)... 110?? xde la tinggi sgt but xde la smpi low intelligent, huhu! This is some text that i copied from a website 
40 - 54 Severely challenged (Less than 1% of test takers) 

55 - 69 Challenged (2.3% of test takers)

70 - 84 Below average

85 - 114 Average (68% of test takers)

115 - 129 Above average130 - 144Gifted (2.3% of test takers)

145 - 159Genius (Less than 1% of test takers)

160 - 175Extraordinary genius

By the way, try test your IQ.. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

price tag!!

my mom just say to me that 'aq ni boros sgt berbelanja duit cpt je hbs'
okay, so what do you think? aq rse mmg aq boros pon so i had to think beratus kali  klu nk ikot my classmate g cameron highland..
 But, seriously i don't know how to manage my money~ time aq simpan duit tu sampai bila2 la duit tu dok dlm purse but if sekali aq guna mmg habis. so, what should i do?
actually aq felt kesian jgk kt my father siang malam cri duit, dpt ke aq RM 100 x smpi sebulan aq guna. so its that you call x boros?? please lah!! Do i have to hire PA for take care my money?? impossible.. 
ny pon aq dh try savings sebulan aq x beli kedit, aq x beli coklat, baju, epop and all other nonsense stuff.
when tgk blk list barang2 yg aq bli OMG!! benda2 yg xsepatutnya aq beli pon aq beli je..
Thats why la generasi skrg mcm aq.. diorang and i skali x rse susah cari duit mntk je kt ayah dpt.. buat ayah mcm kredit card dh..  i'm proud to have a great dad! one more thing, kerja dh la malas, belajar pon main2. Begging please: appreciate all what you have kalau rasa xmmpu xpyh la nk ikut style kehidupan org kaya.. ni x, brg2 sume nk yg ORIGINAL (sje tulis huruf besar bg yg rabun senang nk baca)
Actually, pg xdi my mom ckp 'cuba bayangkan klu abah xde, berhenti skolah la korang kerja cari duit tu pon klu ada org nk ambk korang kerja  nnti adik2 sume xmkn!'
serious terasa!! 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain..

This loneliness is temporary
Remember, the time you feel lonely is the time you most need to be yourself. Life cruelest ivory..